Unlock Your Wardrobe’s Full Potential: Tips for Clothes Organisation

Unlock Your Wardrobe’s Full Potential: Tips for Clothes Organisation

With our busy lives, our wardrobe can become cluttered quickly and is a daily source of frustration. However, you can organise your wardrobe into a functional and enjoyable space that helps streamline your morning routine. In this blog post, we will share some practical tips to help you organize your wardrobe efficiently and make the most of your space.

Assess and declutter

Begin by looking through your wardrobe and sorting through the clothes you don’t wear. Try to really consider the items you wear often and those that no longer serve a purpose. Donate or sell clothes that no longer fit, are out of style, or have remained unworn for months. If you can’t decide on some items, put them in a pile and give yourself a deadline. If you don’t wear them by the end of this time, it’s unlikely you’ll wear them again. By simplifying your collection, you’ll decrease unnecessary clutter and create space for new items that truly reflect your style.

Categorise your clothing

Divide your clothing into broad categories such as tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and accessories. Depending on the space you have and your preferences, you could then further organise into subcategories. Choose subcategories that make sense to you such as sleeve length, colour, or occasion. This division will enable you to locate specific items easily and make it much easier to keep your wardrobe organised.

Invest in quality storage

Smart storage solutions can help maximize your wardrobe’s capacity and accessibility. Custom, fitted wardrobes are the best way to optimise your space as they can be installed to any shape, even the most awkward corners and angles. Install sturdy hangers or hooks to hang clothes without wrinkles, and utilize drawer dividers or organizers to separate folded items. Shoe racks, hanging compartments, and space-saving storage boxes are also great investments for storing accessories, shoes, and seasonal clothing.

Mila Bedroom with fitted storage behind bed in a pale green colour and grooved doors. Storage with display shelf for organisation

Space management

Arrange your clothing items by placing the most frequently worn ones at eye level and within easy reach. Store seasonal or occasional items like winter coats or party dresses on higher shelves or in the back. Utilize the often-underutilized space on the back of your closet or door by adding hooks for scarves, belts, or even bags. Optimize the floor space by storing shoes in clear shoe boxes or under-the-bed storage containers.

Folding techniques

When it comes to your drawers, use folding techniques that maximize space and visibility. The KonMari method, for instance, emphasizes the importance of folding clothes into compact rectangles that can be stacked vertically. This technique allows you to see all your folded items at once and avoid rummaging through piles of messy clothes.

Overhead shot of neatly ordered clothes in wooden drawer. Woman organizing clothes in drawer

Label or colour-code

Labelling shelves, drawers, or containers ensures that everything returns to the right place, making it easier to maintain an organised wardrobe. Furthermore, colour-coding your clothes by category or shade can add aesthetic appeal to your wardrobe whilst enabling quick visual identification.


Organizing your wardrobe is an investment in both your physical space and mental well-being. With an organized wardrobe, choosing your outfit becomes an enjoyable and stress-free experience. So, roll up your sleeves, put on your favourite playlist, and get ready to transform your wardrobe into a functional haven!

Our Open Plan Living Guide

Our Open Plan Living Guide

Open-plan living has become increasingly popular because it allows you to move freely between areas. Open floor plans tend to have fewer walls in favour of seamless spaces and zones separated by furniture. This layout creates an attractive environment and allows easy movement from room to room, perfect for a social space or family home. However, whilst an open floor plan can sound attractive, it can also present a few decorating and organisational challenges.

In this blog, we’ll take you through some tips and ideas for planning and decorating an open-plan living space.

Consistency is key

When designing an open-plan living space it is important to consider the whole space as one large room. Paint colours, wood finishes and furniture styles don’t need to be exactly the same, but some consistency is important so that it doesn’t look thrown together and unorganised. However, you might actually want to plan some contrasts and differences to purposely separate certain areas. For example, you could establish a subtle rustic theme that connects all areas but add blue accesories to your kitchen and warmer furniture in your living area.

Edison Kitchen Living Space

Make it cosy

One downside of a large open space is that it might not feel as cosy as a smaller compact room. There are ways to get around this, predominately with strategic furniture placement. For the living room area of your space, group the sofas and chairs closely together and centre them around a focus point to create an enclosed and comfortable space. You can then use soft furnishings such as blankets and rugs to further distinguish a cosy seating area.

Create a flow

Another important factor to consider with an open-plan living space is to make sure there is a “flow” that directs you through the space. Create walkways with enough space to allow you to walk through each area comfortably. Keeping these walkways clear will also help to keep the space looking more organised.

Add dedicated storage

To keep an open space looking organised, it is important that objects are kept stored away in dedicated storage. Especially if your space has been built for entertaining or is a busy family area. By installing custom-fitted furniture you can personalise your storage to your needs and fit it into the space you have available. Storage units can also be a great way to separate areas and provide some structure. For example, you could place a bookcase behind your sofa to divide the lounge and dining areas.

Whether you need a bookcase, a TV unit or kitchen storage, we can help you to achieve an organised open space. Contact us to find out more about our fitted furniture services!